Wednesday, July 30, 2014

This week

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Last week I lied when I said it was my fastest week ever!! This week was even faster!

We got new elders yesterday. The two that were staying in my room left to Cucso and we got some Latins but I haven't had the chance to talk to them yet.

My Spanish is pretty dece. We went in to Lima North on Saturday and we went into the city to teach less activos it was cool! I went with a different companion whose name is Elder Lee. We basically went around the streets talking to people about the plan of salvation! It was cool! Everyone here is very Christian so it's easy to talk about Jesus and people are interested in talking to Americans so that gave us two ins! We handed out 8 folletas so that was good! We didn't know how many we were supposed to give out but I think 8 was solid...

P day was weird... Since the temple is closed we got to go to a place comparable to Mesopotamian.  It's called Caral!  It is the oldest city in the Americas! It was so sweet! I have pictures so ill send those in a sec.

Other than that the normal food here is rice and chicken...  I literally haven't not had that every day... that's right! I haven't not not had it!

I have been reading the bom like crazy like I told you last week!  Page 402 go me!  But something that is very stuck in my head is this principal... God Shocks us because we forget that he is God.  This is most evident in the 17 chapter of 1 Nephi! Nephi by the way is an absolute stud!  He is so cool!  I want to be Nephi!!

And thus I make an end to my epistle!



Live in the CCM "It's good! It feels like super long efy.... but without trying to impress any girls."

"So much rice and chicken ....................................I think I have gained weight."

"The only part of Peru that is barren... and the only part with sun.  I have seen the sun like four times since I got here."
Working on his "soft smile"

Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Cody Sighting

Thursday, July 24, 2014

We just got a note from a soccer mom friend.   She received a letter from MaKayla Monson who also went to Jordan High.  Here is what MaKayla said.

“I found a new elder that went to Jordan!  He didn’t recognize me, but when I told him my name he knew who I was.  He knows me as the girl who went to prom with Jake.  Hah this whole week I thought he looked familiar and then I found out he was exactly who I thought he was.  His name is Cody Glassett.  He played soccer and ya, he’s a cool kid."

week one doe

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Hey everyone!  This letter won't be too long.  I only have 30 minutes because the internet has been down all day so our time got shortened.  I have an agenda of things to talk about so I'm just gonna jump into in.
 We listened to few devocionarios this week and they were super good!  One of them was Elder Holland.  He talked about how everything we want for those we will teach are things that God wants for us.  It made me think about my study habits and my prayer habits.  My job is to invite others to come closer to Christ and I really can't do that if it's something that I'm not already doing. Since today was p day we went to the temple and it was amazing.  I am starting to understand the incredible mercy that the gospel brings into our lives.  I get the feeling that if we are worthy to enter the temple we are probably worthy to achieve eternal life!  How lucky we are to have THAT knowledge.  I want you guys to know I'm safe!  And the only two reasons that I'll be coming home are when my two years are up or if I decide that I'm making a mistake by being here.. one of those things will happen. I love you guys I hope this is enough of a letter to tide you all over for the next week. I am grateful for your prayers.  I can literally feel them. les amo Cody

 My companion is Elder Roberts. He is from Holladay, Utah and is a dang cool guy!  Him and I have challenged each other to read the Book of Mormon in the next month.  It  is going swimmingly!  I'm on page179!  I have learned a lot from the Book of Mormon!  I know it is the word of God.  I invite everyone at home to read it and mark it! MARK EVERYTHING THAT YOU LIKE!  It gives you an opportunity to look back on the pages you read and clearly see everything you love about this gospel.

P.S. One more thing!! We watched a video called the atonement and missionary work. It's on youtube and should be the first thig that comes up when you type that in...WATCH IT IT'S SO GOOD!!! Okay now I have to go...

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Wednesday, July 16, 2014 
HHeeyy  gguuyyss!!  ¿¿QQUUEE  PPAASSAA??  iimm  hheerree!!  tthhiiss  ccoommppuutteerr  iiss  ssuuppeerr  mmeesssseedd  uupp  ssoo    tthhaattss  wwhhyy  tthheerree  aarree  ttwwoo  lleetteerrss  eeaacchh  ttiimmee  ii  ttyyppee...
aannyywwaayy  iimm  ssaaffee  ssoo  ddoonntt  wwoorrrryy.  mmyy  nneexxtt  pp  ddaayy  wwiillll  bbee  nneexxtt  wweeddsseennddaayy  ssoo  ii  wwiillll  bbee  aabbllee  ttoo  tteellll  yyoouu  aallll  eevveerryytthhiinngg  tthheenn!!  tthhee  fflliigghhtt  wwaass  lloonngg  aanndd  wwee  ggoott  ttoo  tthhee  ccccmm  aarroouunndd  11:3300. tteellll  eevveerryyoonnee  ii  lloovvee  tthheemm 
EEllddeerr  GGllaasssseetttt