Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Hey everyone!
I hope you are all good and happy.  This week I don't have a general letter.  I wanted to write you all as a brother.
Thank you for all being so good!  FOR ALL BEING MY FRIENDS.  I hope I can say that I have been there for you as much as you have been there for me.  I was blessed at a young age to have a good family!  And you all part of that!  I just want to express my love and appreciation for you all.  I know that families are eternal and the fact that you are all my family makes me happy about that.
I am sending Christmas presents back with an elder who's finishing and the other half next transfer.. 
Love you all!
Elder Glassett
Hola papa¡
Como estas?  Espero que todo este bien y que la familia este feliz.

Me acuerdo de la cita de mark twain que dice.
"When I was 18 my dad was the dumbest man i knew.  When I was 21 I was amazed to see how much he had learned in just two years..."

Ya que sabemos que no es el papa¡  Que aprende, sino el hijo, quien soy yo.

Gracias por los muchos ejemplos que me has dado.  Sos uno de los mejores papas que pudiera haber pedido.  Ojala¡ que lo sepas.

Agradezco bastante al evangelio. Y al creador do el. Del mundo.  El salvador.  Me siento como le conozco.  Que siempre me ha querido conocer pero yo era dif­cil.  Me arrepiemto por eso. queiro ser unhombre de dios.  Tal como vos. se que aun tenes muchos consejos para mi.  Y me fue nesisario viajar a peru para que me diera cuanta.

Jaja te amo
Sonriendo Siempre,
Elder Glassett
Hi mom! 
It's my new pday so I'm writing everyone because I have more time!!
How is life?? How is dad and your other many children that you have adopted over the years?

This week I have just kept realizing that I have been very blessed in my life and mission. In my life because I have never needed anything.  The mission because I have a good President.  We had dinner at his house last night and I felt like I was at home joking around with you guys!  It was great!

I just want to thank you for being awesome!  I know that we don't really say that enough.
Another transfer is ending and I have a lot of work on me...but I know that God sustains those he calls.
Love you a bunch.
Always Smiling,
Elder Glassett

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