Monday, January 5, 2015

Today was ridiculos .... i can't spell

Monday, December 29, 2014

Let me start with today.  We woke up at 5:40 to go to Centro and play soccer. 

This Tuesday we have a ward talent show.. The 1st counselor told us to swing by his sister's house to borrow a guitar... This morning, in the hustle of leaving, I put it on my bed... Garcia sat directly on said guitar... Guitar on which Garcia sat... snapped in two pieces... we suck. 

Today has been crazy since before 6... but all is fixed.  We used super glue, electric tape, shoe polish and new strings and it plays like a gypsy.... and we bought the little kid a new one... mom.... I have no money. 

Also.... Nicanor. The Guy who called us a while ago to get help with drinking relapsed... on Christmas boo.  That was actually really hard for me... He was making soo much progress!  I didn't realize untill he fell that I actually loved him. I was invested in him giving up alcohol... Then we passed by and his sister told us was was drunk.... My heart fell out of my chest.. It felt like she had punched me in the gut... boo.. me baste decir que yo estaba triste por un bien tiempo. pucha. pero hemos hablado con el desde navidad y otro vez esta´ progresando. (I was very sad for a long time.  Dangit!  But we have spoken with him since Christmas and he is again progressing.)  It was scary... He was the only one we had progressing. So I really wanted to see him SOON.  And no temias! Esta bien! (And don't worry, it's all good.)
Some other things.  I know that in the past I said I don't like mas amora. Which is like really thick fruit pudding with corn starch... But now I do... Look it up and try it!  Might as well!
Also Thank you for all the Christmas Letters! They were awesome!
Love you all!
Sonriendo Siempre,
Como estas vos? Espero que todo esta bien. te agradezco por las cosas que me has enseñado. tu eres un papa chevere aun que no lo he dicho mucho...te amo mucho gracias por todo. (How are you.  I hope that everything is good.  I want to thank you for all the things you have taught me.  You are a cool dad although I have not told you that very much.  I love you and thank you for everything.)
HI, it's me Cody.  Thank you for worrying about me... It's fair to say that if YOU didn't not many people would.... (like Zach) haha.  I really do appreciate you a lot.  I always just wanted to grow up but now I think it would be nice to have people worry about me a little... irony..
Escuche´ que no pasa nada con tu. pero todavia te amo.. cuidate con su novia y todo te apoyare´ con todo gracias ppor el ejemplo que ppor mi has sido! cuida a Mas and erin tambien! nos veemos vos! (Listen up.  I heard that nothing's going on with you but I love you anyway.  Take care of your girlfriend and I will support you with everything.  Thank you for the example that you have been.  Take care of Mas and Erin and see you later. 
Be good! jk I know you are! Reeead preach my gospel every day! You guys could do that as a family!  It's great! Remember to be an example to everyone. Be nice.  People will remember that about you and you'll feel good!
love ya good cop bad cop.
Be outgoing without being crazy! Remember that there is always a balance in everything.  Don't do too much and definitely not too little.  Be respectful... Have fun in school!

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